Taking portrait pictures with a smartphone. In the past, shooting portraits like magazine cover models was only possible with big pro cameras. Today, with the advancement of smartphone camera technology, there will be a smartphone with a good camera, If you know how to shoot, you can take good portrait pictures with your phone. So, I would like to explain the things you need to know in order to take good portrait pictures with a smartphone.
(1) The person who will be photographed (Taking portrait pictures with a smartphone)
The first and most important thing is that the person who is going to be photographed is comfortable when taking the photo. To stay calm. It’s not easy to get a good natural picture if you’re shy or nervous. So before filming, While shooting. There should be a conversation between the person taking the picture and the person being shot. The person who will be photographed is comfortable and his facial expression. Wait patiently until the body position is in a natural position and shoot.
(2) Setting and Focus (Taking portrait pictures with a smartphone)
Portrait Mood has been included in the camera settings of many of these two-sided smartphones. In Huawei Nova 2i, Portrait Mood is included not only for the rear camera. But also for the front Selfie camera, so you can take selfies with Portrait Mood. So if you want to take a portrait picture, you need to select Portrait Mood in the camera setting before taking the picture. Also, you need to change the focus to manual and focus on the subject you are going to shoot.
(3) Darkness
Darkness is one of the most important factors in getting a good portrait photo. We should also not forget that you can get better natural photos by shooting with natural light than with the light from the smartphone’s flash light. Rather than a place with too much light, a situation with a balance of light and darkness will allow you to take more accurate pictures.
(4) distance
How far to shoot the subject to get a good portrait is also a brain draining issue. Although there is a theory that it is best to shoot from an arm’s length away. If the object to be photographed is alive, its comfort must also be considered. Because some of them don’t sit too close to the camera. But of course, if you shoot too far away from the subject, it will not be comfortable.