Nowadays, AI is becoming quite popular and China is trying to lead in this market. It has been invested since 2017 with a project that China should be leading in this market by 2030 and even one trillion yuan.
It’s not so strange because the Chinese are eager to create new technologies. If AI is so developed that it can take people’s jobs, let’s see who might lose their jobs.
Law enforcement activities
At the moment, the robot police have not yet appeared, but China has announced that they will appear by November. They are trying to start a robot police station in Wuhan, Hubei province. Face analysis technology will be used mainly, and it will be able to know the information of a person by seeing his face. People will no longer have to wait in line to file a complaint.
One job most certain to be replaced by AI is accounting. I think you’ve noticed that lately they’ve been doing automatic registration. Putting AI in place will reduce human errors and get more work done. It is known that the cost will be lower.
Job interviews
Now, Goldman Sachs and Unilever are conducting interviews with the capabilities of AI. There is no need to sit in front of the interviewer, computers, You will be able to record a video through the phone’s webcam and conduct an interview. By looking at the words the respondents use, so, you can see how confident they are answering. You need to be shortlisted to be interviewed by AI.
Trading over the telephone
From now on, you will see that AI is gradually replacing salespeople over the phone. For example, we receive automated answering calls from telecoms.
High-tech devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home are already providing concierge work with AI. Everything customers want to know will be automatically answered by voice, and there will be no such thing as people being busy and unable to answer in detail.
Now let’s watch together to see what will change.