
Who currently owns Bitcoin?

Satoshi Nakamoto was born in 2011. He sent his last letter on April 26, Bitcoin
The Core has already left the project.
“It’s not a project held by a spy, it’s created by the public,” he said.
We want to make it a project, “said Gavin Andresen of the Bitcoin Core Project.

Was handed over to at this point –

1. Bitcoin Technology Ideas
2. With Bitcoin Core software
3. Bitcoin network needs to be different.

Bitcoin technology idea is a white paper written by Satoshi. That technology
Cryptocurrency sharing is a free and open source digital currency system.
You can create a lot. In practice, there are many such creations.
Bitcoin Core is a project that implements the Bitcoin idea
It’s one. This is the first project created by Satoshi Nakamoto himself. This project
Because its source code is open source, it can be trusted by anyone. Written
Examine the code; You can do the retrieval. The address on the next page
You can see. The Bitcoin Network is a repository of payment records
It can be said that it is a computer network. A computer; A person At an organization
It is not stored, it is distributed to many people in the Bitcoin network
Of course. This record is also shared by a person. It is not held by an organization.

Lack of control is the essence of Bitcoin.

So Bitcoin is not controlled by one person. The idea is people
It can be measured. The project is also open source. The information is also on the network
It’s completely free from control because it is co-managed by all stakeholders.
That way, everyone would be able to access it, so everyone should be able to access the information stored.
What if you do? Feel free to keep valuable money with everyone
Can I have it? You can not see it in the circle because it is completely different from the traditional R.
It will be a very difficult concept to understand. Of this book
The purpose is to explain it. We will continue to study.

Summary of Cryptography

Traditional digital payment systems such as Mobile Money and Pay can be used at banks or
Store information under the supervision of a financial services organization
And they work. Bitcoin is no longer such an organization, and many of me
It distributes and operates data on that network.
In doing so, you will be able to securely transfer and transfer information.
It uses a combination of digital encryption techniques known as cryptography.
Cryptocurrency is also known as Cryptocurrency because it works using Bitcoin
To understand how it works, you need to know how these crypto technologies work.
Here are some things to look for when selecting yours.


Simply put, encryption is a simple form of encryption. Write confidential messages
It is written using code that only the author and the person who knows the letter can recognize.
The most basic example is location values ​​rather than ABCD letters
Let’s say you replace it. A is 1, B is 2, C is 3 and so on. So Hello in the letter
If you want to write “8 5 9 9 15” The middleman enters the code 8 5 9 9 15
I do not know what the word “find” means, but the recipient decides the value of the English word location If you know that you are using it, you can decode and get the original text.
This is very easy. Find the value of the location plus the value of the mailing date
If you set it to, it will be a little bit more. If you send it on Monday, the value will be 1
Must be combined with If you send it on Tuesday, you have to multiply the value by 2. So Hello Tuesday
If you want to write the text “10” 11 11 17 Cracking codes
They look for the pattern in the hidden code and come up with a solution. Letters written on Tuesday
Once you notice that the patterns are similar, you will know the coding solution.

The next step

The next step is to create a random key value that is known only to the sender and the receiver
It is also possible that For example, set the value 5-7-1 to the key and 5 to the key
Multiply Subtract 7 Suppose you have to add more than one to each one. That’s why I wrote Hello
If you write it, it will be 33 19 38 39 68.
The actual calculations would be much more complicated. AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard), IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
Many articles have been published in various research papers. Here it’s
These algorithms will not be included, but are typically encrypted.
I would like you to know the meaning of R and Key, which are included in the text.
Algorithm → Multiply by one word
Key 5-7-1 →
In the example above, multiplication is more than one word
Yes. If you change the code, You can use this algorithm to decode.
However, even if the algorithm used does not match the key, it will not be displayed. Given example
According to the pain, the key is 5-7-1. So we know the algebra of over multiplication and division
Even if you do not know the 5-7-1 key, you will not be able to decrypt the script.

This type of key-based encryption technology is called symmetric encryption
So, they are confused. Bitcoin stands for ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
However, Al Gore is used. It is not Symmetric Encryption. Public Key
This is a technology called encryption. Also known as Asymmetric Encryption.

Public Key Encryption

The problem with simple symmetric encryption is that the sender, Both hands need to know the key
So, if you do not have a key that you both know, you will not be able to send it. So more
As an invention, a key for typing and a key for typing; The technology that goes hand in hand
They invented the technology and called it Public Key Encryption.
This technique is similar to a two-pronged lock, although it has only one lock. Distinctive
You can only unlock it by locking key A with key A. Conversely, the key B
You can only unlock it with key A. This concept is often overlooked
Please check again. Use the first one, which has two keys and a key
Yes. Use the second one to restart.
In this sense. Public Key Encryption also has two keys: Public Key and Private Key
Yes If you create a password using the Public Key, you can only recover it with the Private Key.
The Private Key can be stored securely by yourself. Distribute the Public Key to me
You can share. When someone sends a message to you, send a message with a public key
Yes. In the meantime, someone else could not access the password with a public key. To me
Once there, you can retrieve the password with your private key.

Some issues

It is also planned to make this concept visible to the naked eye. Some issues
Because it is clearer when you look at it. See this address
So, there are three tests: Symmetric, Asymmetric, and Hashing. Symmetric Encryption
To test, enter the source code with the secret key and click Encrypt 0
Therefore, the code will be in Cipher Text on one side. In the source text and in the Key field
You can try different values.


For example, using the key bitcoin101 to encrypt the message Hello b0bcf811f5
I got back the password. Decrypt b0bcf811f5 at any time with bitcoin101 key
If you do it again, you will get back the original Hello text. You can also try asymmetric.

However, clicking the first Generate Keypair 0 will generate the Private Key and Public Key
Yes. It has to be copied. When done, go to Encryption and enter the original text and Public Key
Click Encrypt and you will get the encrypted code automatically.

When done, go to Decryption, enter a private key and password, and click Decrypt.
So you have to go back to the original text. That way, if you have something to send to you, send it with a public key
If you have a private key, you will know the original text. Many people want to make a secret letter
You no longer need to know your private key for
This is a very important system for technological security and should be used everywhere
Yes. Bitcoin came into being because of this system. Another important
Let me tell you about a natural Hash.


You should also go to Hashing and try it in one go. Enter data in the Data field
Each time you enter a value, you will see the following hash value change.

What a hash is like? Mix In pieces

Squeeze to shrink. Divide into two parts. Mix and repeat the final result
It kind of gives out. This returns the hash signature as a result.
So, it is important to note some important features.


1. The hash that comes out of the final batch distribution, no matter how much data is given
The size is the same. In the example, the result hash is always 64 characters long


2. If the given data is the same, the return hash is always the same. Get it back at random
Of course not. Because the original data is distributed and returned, the result will always be the same if the data is the same.
This concept is also known as Digital Fingerprint. Fingerprints vary from person to person
If the given data is different, the result hash is different. But looking at the fingerprints, this person is right
You can confirm that.


3. The resulting hash can not be restored to the original data. Therefore, this is not the same as encryption. Encryption is the process of encoding the original text. You can revert to the original text. Hash goes one way. Original Data. Once the hash has been changed, it is no longer possible to recover the original data from that hash. It is as if a pot smashed and that the original pot could not recovere from the cracks. If the distribution is not dark.

If it does not spread, look at the cracks. Porcelain pot? You can only guess. Yes Even if the distribution is mixed and mixed, it will not be possible to predict even that. They want something that is unpredictable for security reasons. Look at the fingerprint.

You can confirm that you are a real person, but do you have white skin by looking at your fingerprints? Vote? Tall? It is as if you do not know how long it will take. These are quite interesting technologies. It can also be used as a digital signature with encryption and hash.