What is the Digital Signature? Outside correspondence Signed at the bottom of the page where the documents are being written
Confirmed Look at the signature. This is a self-written book
They confirm that. The same can be said for digital mail
Yes. You have to enter it with a private key.
Encrypt the text with a private key and attach the encrypted password to the original text
Of course. This method does not hide the message. The sender is the original author
Whether you send it yourself or not. The authentication is not exactly the same as the original submission.
Recipients can use the Public Key to check the accuracy of the original text.
Example (Digital Signature)
In the example, the text Hello with signature is signed with the private key
You will see a message called Signed Message.
The next step is to sign the Signed Message. Original text Public Key
It will check if the given value is correct.
In this way, digital correspondence, You have to sign the documents. With Private Key
Sign and verify with Public Key. Do these things yourself from start to finish
You do not have to. This is just an example to make it more visible. In practice, the relevant software
You will be able to sign in with just one click.
If you want to learn more, you need Digital Certificate or Certification Authority
Public Key Infrastructure is a PKI related topic
We have to study. It does not take much to understand how Bitcoin works. Public
Once you know about Key Encryption and Hash, you can move on.
If you’re a little confused by this, encourage yourself to give it a try
Yes. Because it can be clearer in practice.
Consensus Algorithms (Digital Signature)
Receiving an important piece of information from a stranger
How do you determine if the information is accurate? That’s something to think about. Because I closed my eyes and believed
No Outside, we have to find out who that person is. The information he provides
You may need to check with an expert.
In the computer system, such strangers, Information from an unknown source
Consensus algorithms are used to determine accuracy. Proof of Work,
Proof of Stake, Proof of Authority, Proof of History, Proof of Capacity
Yes. Here is a summary of some of these concepts:
Let me just say that.
Proof of Work If you can do it, give it to him
It means believing in the facts. Math as a mathematician
To verify the identity of the person submitting the educational information
It’s kind of like putting a sentence into practice. He reports only if he can calculate
We will accept the information as correct.
Proof of Stake means trust if you can prove your ownership
In a sense. If a bookstore offers a deposit, she’s going to a stranger
Books can be borrowed at will. If the book is not returned, the deposit will be forfeited
Because you can follow. The same goes for Proof of Stake. A property is guaranteed
It is a way of acknowledging that what he said was true.
Proof of History (Digital Signature)
Proof of History means that if you can prove that something really happened in the past
It means accepting the information. Talk to a stranger and talk to him
If you say the same school you went to as a child, you can not believe it. But
If you tell a person who really does go to that school, he or she will tell you.
It means that you can confirm that it is true.
I do not know this kind of person. You need to verify that the information coming from an unknown source is correct
Because Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, described the method as “Proof of Work.”
Selectively used. In this way, The person who wants to provide information is doing a very difficult job
Time to do it. Because of the energy and labor required. Inaccurate information
It can no longer give easily and disturbed. In the face of corruption
This is because of the wasted energy and manpower that was expended.
Knowing these natures in advance will help you understand how Bitcoin works
We will see that it helps a lot in the future.